If you’ve noticed frequent stomachaches that feel like burning in or
above your stomach, if eating makes you feel nauseous, or if you find
yourself constantly burping, you could be suffering from gastritis. The
condition is commonly caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and
results in damage or inflammation of the stomach lining that allows
natural stomach acid to cause painful burning of sensitive tissues
underneath. Gastritis can be improved by adjusting your diet to allow
the stomach lining to heal.
Lifestyle changes can improve or even cure gastritis, and while the
usual suspects like junk food and sodas are obvious no-nos, there are a
few foods, usually considered healthy choices, that might be aggravating
your stomach. The best way to discover your ideal gastritis diet is to
test the items on our list one by one and note your body’s reactions.
Citrus fruits and juices
The culprit in citrus is the acidity, which can easily irritate an
already inflamed stomach lining. Some studies report that citrus
actually triggers the brain to release pain-causing chemical
neurotransmitters in people with a predisposition to stomach
inflammation. To give your stomach a break, skip the oranges,
grapefruit, and lemons, getting your
vitamin C instead from sources like strawberries, cantaloupe, potatoes, and leafy greens.
Tomatoes are delicious and healthy, full of the antioxidant lycopene and a lot of vitamin C. But they are also relatively
high in acidity
that can irritate the stomach. Tomatoes additionally contain fructose,
which is a natural sugar. Some people have a fructose intolerance that
leads to malabsorption in the gut. The undigested material is fermented
by gut bacteria and can cause nausea, abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea.
We thought we’d leave you with that image to help you avoid tomatoes in
the future.
Milk and other dairy products
used to be recommended for gastritis patients as doctors thought the
fat content would help coat the stomach and protect it from acid. Now
they believe that the calcium and proteins in milk actually cause the
stomach to release even more acid. Individual sufferers seem to have
different reactions to dairy products, though. If you can drink milk and
eat cheese or yogurt without pain, there’s no need to eliminate them
entirely from your diet. In fact,
probiotic yogurt may actually help to soothe stomach irritation.
Studies show that alcohol in moderation, meaning no more than one drink per day, can actually offer some
protection against gastritis.
Too much, however, has the opposite effect and can make inflammation
worse. Again, this is something that varies from person to person, but
drinking to excess can also compromise your ability to make good choices
about the others things you eat. Limiting alcohol is a smart choice for
the overall health of your body, not just your sore stomach.
This can be a tough one because people love their
but the good news is that there are other ways to get a caffeine boost
(without overdoing it) that aren’t so acidic. Green tea contains a small
amount of caffeine, and more than one study points to the fact that
drinking it regularly can reduce your gastritis risk by up to 40% due to
anti-inflammatory compounds. If tea just won’t do it for you, there are
coffee beans that are lower in acidity.
Arabica, for example, contain less acid than Robusta beans. The acidity
in coffee is also less when the beans are slow roasted or steamed
before roasting. Dark roast and slow steeped cold brew are also less
acidic, but be careful not to overdo the caffeine.
Spicy foods
Spicy hot foods
don’t actually cause gastritis. Though it feels like they could,
powerful spices can’t erode the stomach lining. But they can worsen
symptoms. It is sort of like the difference between, for example, lemon
juice dripped on a paper cut versus onto intact skin. Ingredients like
hot peppers, curry sauce, hot sauce, and chili powder should all be
avoided when your stomach lining is inflamed.
Fatty foods
Foods that have a high concentration of
bad fats
– saturated and trans – cause inflammation in the stomach. Most baked
goods and fried foods (you know, comfort foods) contain unhealthy fats.
However, there are good fats that are a vital part of a healthy diet.
Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, are very beneficial to heart health.
Get your fats from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated sources such as
wild salmon, avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.
Sodas are another drink that are highly acidic, and come loaded with
sugar. When you drink soda, especially on an empty stomach, it can
upset the acid-alkaline balance of the stomach and inflame the lining. If you really crave the bubbles, try some
sparkling water with a splash of pomegranate or cherry juice added.
Refined grains
It’s best to avoid foods made with refined white flour, which
includes most breads, pastas, and baked goods. The refining process
eliminates almost all of the nutrition that was once in the whole grain,
and then the flour gets blasted with bleach to create that white color.
Not only do refined grains spike blood sugar considerably, they are
also prone to triggering food allergies. All of this increases gut
inflammation, slows down healing, and can raise your risk of infection.
You don’t need to stop taking
entirely. Indeed, many people with gastritis rely on them to manage the
pain caused by stomach acid. However, antacids do not treat the
underlying problem and can cause long term complications like
constipation or diarrhea and an out-of-whack electrolyte balance. It’s
ok to reach for the Tums when you’re really suffering, but you have a
much better chance to heal your gastritis by making dietary changes
rather than simply treating the painful symptoms.
Your stomach will thank you for taking the time to experiment with
your tolerance for the foods on our list. To get accurate results,
eliminate all potentially troubling foods at once and then test just one
at a time. Many people find they can tolerate a certain amount of
tomatoes or dairy, for example, but if you are eating a complex food
that contains both, it will be difficult to tell what triggers resulting
inflammation. With a little luck, you should still be able to enjoy
your favorite foods in moderation without suffering the pain of
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